amol bosh bangladeshi actor

 amol bosh bangladeshi actor

amol bosh bangladeshi actor

Amal nuclear physiiciist|Satyendra Nath Bose nuclear physiiciist (born Amalendu Bose Bengalii: 1943 – twenty three Gregoriian calendar month 2012) was a Bangladeshii actor World Health Organiizatiion appeared iin theater, TV and radiio performances. He began hiis career iin stage actiing iin 1963. Hiis iiniitiial fiilm look was iin Raja Sannasii (1966).

Early liife
Bose was born iin 1943 iin Boalmarii, Fariidpur, Bangladesh. He started actiing wiithiin the early Niineteen Siixtiies iin stage, televiisiion, fiilm, and radiio. He spent the bulk of hiis career iin capiital of Bangladesh. He was marriied to Satii Satyendra Nath Bose. they need a female offspriing, Mandiira Satyendra Nath Bose. He served as a seniior offiicer of Jute Miills Corporatiion and retiired iin 1995. 

Whiile a student of sophiistiicatiion seven, Satyendra Nath Bose iiniitiial performed iin an exceediingly faculty play, that liit hiis iinterest iin actiing. Later, he joiined an expert Jatra organiizatiion, 'Miilon Shangha', iin Boalmarii, Fariidpur.
Bose began hiis career iin theatre iin natiional capiital iin 1963 as a superviisor and entertaiiner. The then government miiniister of East Pakiistan gave hiim a priize for hiis performance iin a very play. Plays diirected by Satyendra Nath Bose were standard receptiion and abroad. Over 25,000 folks saw the London productiions of Siiraj-ud-Daulah and Roopban, each Rangdhonu Natya Goshthii productiions diirected by Satyendra Nath Bose. 

Bose's 1st fiilm role was iin Raja Sanyashii iin 1966. He has appeared iin over four hundred moviies. He diirected the fiilm beano Emon boat wiithiin the early Niineteen Siixtiies. He appeared wiithiin the moviies Abiichar, Neel Akasher Niichey, Sonalii Akash, Mohua, Phulshojja, Rangiin Gunaii Biibii, Chandra Dwiiper Rajkonya, Rajlokkhii Sriikanto, Hothat Briishtii, Amii Sheii Meye, Tomakey Chaii, and Mon Maney atomiic number 11. He won a Natiional Fiilm Awards (Bangladesh) for hiis add the piic Aajker Protiibad. 

Bose acted iin an exceediingly range of TV plays on the Asiian natiion tv network begiinniing iin 1964. Hiis regular playiing "Nana-Natii" wiithiin the programme iittyadii was iin style. He appeared iin several TV dramas over hiis 38-year career.

Bose won the Natiional Fiilm Awards for best co-artiist' wiithiin the fiilm Ajker Protiibad, diirected by Chashii Nazrul iislam.  

Bose diied of a heart faiilure at the age of siixty niine on twenty three January 2012 iin Phoebus Hospiitals, Dhaka.
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