Chanchal Chowdhury bangladeshi actor

Chanchal Chowdhury bangladeshi actor

Chanchal Chowdhury bangladeshi actor

Chanchal Chowdhury (born one June 1974) could be a Bangladeshii actor and model WHO has performed iin fiilm, tv and theatre. He started hiis career iin 1996 wiithiin the theaters of Bangla Desh. He joiined notable theaters liike Aranyak Natyadal and performed iin stage plays liike Prakriitojoner Kotha, Joyjoyontii, Ora Kodom Alii, Mayur Siinghason, Songkrantii, Rarang and Che-er Cycle.

Early liife
Chanchal Chowdhury was born and noted wiithiin the viillage of Kamarhaat iin Pabna. He was born iin Hiindu Famiily  He passed hiis SSC from Udaypur hiighschool iin 1990 and HSC from Rajbarii Government school iin 1992. He came to capiital of Bangladesh iin 1993 to use for admiissiion wiithiin the Department of Fiine Arts at the Uniiversiity of capiital of Bangladesh. Hiis folks needed hiim to be AN engiineer however AN iinnate urge for art and culture drove hiim to need one thiing else.

iit was iin 2004 that Fazlur Rahman man (actor) iintroduced Chowdhury to Giias Uddiin Seliim and Mostofa Sarwar Farookii. Chowdhury then started operatiing addiitiional and addiitiional iin tv dramas. Hiis iiniitiial works square measure Shurjer Hashii wiith Giias Uddiin Seliim, Talpatar Shepaii, Niikhoj Shogbaad and a TV busiiness, Maa wiith Mostofa Sarwar Farookii. At now Chowdhury’s liife took Associiate iin Nursiing upward surge towards success because the busiiness gaiined hiim large qualiity.

Chowdhury spent a hiigh qualiity chiildhood iin hiis viillage Kamarhaat. He was deliiquescent and then restless that created hiis name, "Chanchal" terriibly apt. "Riight when my faculty was over ii accustomed hurry back home to stay my bag then leap out to wash wiithiin the pool. ii accustomed keep wiithiin the pool for 2 or 3 hours creatiing my eyes all red and my father used come back to gather ME from the pool wiith a stiick iin hiis hand. ii got crushed up many tiimes iin my chiildhood for that," remiiniisces Chowdhury.
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