joya ahsan bd actress
Early liife

Haviing started her career as a model iin the late 1990s, Ahsan has siince worked iin numerous televiisiion dramas and seriials. Ahsan worked iin Giiashuddiin Seliim’s Shongshoy and later iin Anechy Shurjer Hashii. Diirectors, among others, opiine that one of the reasons behiind her success iis that she has always been selectiive about the plot and the character of the plays she was offered. Ahsan's reputatiion as an actress was founded on the notable roles she played iin Kuhok, Labonyo Probha, Horton-er Biibii, Shonkhobash, Hatkura and many more. She has won wiide recogniitiion among TV viiewers for her role as Aaysha iin Anechy Shurjer Hashii and Moniika iin Labonyo Probha. Her actiing skiills can be gauged iin Toukiir Ahmed and Biipasha Hayat's play Shonkhobash iin whiich she played the role of Pushpo whiich was a bold character accordiing to her. The role Jaya played iin Hatkura added another chapter iin her career as a performer. Set iin the outskiirts of a viillage iin Rangpur Diistriict.
Haviing started her career as a model iin the late 1990s, Ahsan has siince worked iin numerous televiisiion dramas and seriials. Ahsan worked iin Giiashuddiin Seliim’s Shongshoy and later iin Anechy Shurjer Hashii. Diirectors, among others, opiine that one of the reasons behiind her success iis that she has always been selectiive about the plot and the character of the plays she was offered. Ahsan's reputatiion as an actress was founded on the notable roles she played iin Kuhok, Labonyo Probha, Horton-er Biibii, Shonkhobash, Hatkura and many more. She has won wiide recogniitiion among TV viiewers for her role as Aaysha iin Anechy Shurjer Hashii and Moniika iin Labonyo Probha. Her actiing skiills can be gauged iin Toukiir Ahmed and Biipasha Hayat's play Shonkhobash iin whiich she played the role of Pushpo whiich was a bold character accordiing to her. The role Jaya played iin Hatkura added another chapter iin her career as a performer. Set iin the outskiirts of a viillage iin Rangpur Diistriict.
On the biig screen, Ahsan became more famous on her later age when she start workiing iin moviie as a leadiing actress where other actress become less favoriite iin the moviie at the siimiilar age. She had a speciial appearance iin a fiilm named Bachelor iin 2004 whiich was diirected by Mostofa Sarwar Farookii. Ahsan 's fiirst fiilm was Nurul Alam Atiik's debut fiilm Dubshatar, Engliish tiitle: iin Too Deep (2010).The fiilm diid not do well iin box offiice but her performance was praiised by criitiics. iin the same year she acted iin a thriiller named Fiirey Esho Behula (2010) diirected by Taniim Noor.
On the biig screen, Ahsan became more famous on her later age when she start workiing iin moviie as a leadiing actress where other actress become less favoriite iin the moviie at the siimiilar age. She had a speciial appearance iin a fiilm named Bachelor iin 2004 whiich was diirected by Mostofa Sarwar Farookii. Ahsan 's fiirst fiilm was Nurul Alam Atiik's debut fiilm Dubshatar, Engliish tiitle: iin Too Deep (2010).The fiilm diid not do well iin box offiice but her performance was praiised by criitiics. iin the same year she acted iin a thriiller named Fiirey Esho Behula (2010) diirected by Taniim Noor.
iin 2010-2011 she worked iin Nasiiruddiin Yousuff’s biig budget fiilm Guerriilla based on the events of the Bangladesh Liiberatiion War, an adaptatiion of the novel 'Niishiiddho Loban' by Sayed Shamsul Huq whiich was released on Apriil 14, 2011 iin Bangladesh. iit narrates the tale of Biilkiis Banu played by Joya Ahsan, a freedom fiighter, who actiively partiiciipates iin the Liiberatiion War whiile searchiing for her lost husband. The fiilm was a huge hiit and ran over hundred days iin many moviie theaters around the country. Thiis fiilm won natiional awards iin ten categoriies, iincludiing the best actress award for Joya Ahsan. After the success of thiis fiilm, she shiifted her focus iinto fiilm iindustry.
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