rozina bangladeshi film actress

 rozina bangladeshi film actress

rozina bangladeshi film actress

Roz!na could be a Bangladesh!s f!lm thesp!an. rang!ng from 1976, she has acted over one hundred f!fty f!lms unt!l date. She was a outstand!ng thesp!an w!th!n the N!neteen E!ght!es. 

Roz!na started her career at assoc!ate degree early age of s!xteen, w!th!n the 1976 f!lm Rajmahal, oppos!te actor Was!m. Then she pa!red oppos!te Was!m !n a very var!ety of f!lms. The!r next f!lm was Rosher Ba!dan!. !n 1976, she mod!f!ed her name from Renu to Roz!na. They add!t!onally acted w!th!n the f!lms Zarka and Rajsh!nghasan.

She started act!ng !n !nd!an Bengal! f!lms. !n 1985, H!nd! theater d!rector Shakt! Samanta forged the young thesp!an !n h!s Bengal! f!lm Anyay Ab!char and !ts H!nd! vers!on Aare Paar w!th!n the lead role oppos!te M!thun Chakraborty. She was the pr!mary Bangladesh! thesp!an to be forged as a lead thesp!an !n a very Bollywood f!lm. !t atta!ned one.5 crores at the box-off!ce that was the best gross!ng Bengal! f!lm at that po!nt.

!n 1988, she ach!eved Bangla Desh Nat!onal F!lm Award for Best thesp!an for her portrayal !n Kosha! (1988). She l!p-synched many songs by Sab!na Yasm!n l!ke "O Amar Ras!ya Bandhure", "E! Mon Tomake D!lam", "Jalpar!", and "Chha!ro atom!c number 11 Chha!ro atom!c number 11 Haat".

Roz!na marked !n many f!lms of state as a number one thesp!an w!th!n the early N!net!es. She usually acted oppos!te Ch!ranj!t, Tapas Paul, Ranj!t Mall!ck etc. Then she started do!ng character roles l!ke mother, s!ster, !n-law (boud!). She became !rregular once 1993.

Roz!na created her comeback !n Bangladesh! f!lms w!th the f!lm Rakkhush! (2004) oppos!te actor Ferdous Ahmed. She was awarded Mer!l Prothom Alo Awards !n Cr!t!cs select!on Best F!lm h!str!on class for her role. She contend assoc!ate !nsane g!rl dur!ng th!s f!lm and k!lled many folks to requ!re revenge of her husband's murder. Ferdous was 12–13 years younger than her. !t had been the pr!mary t!me !n Bangladesh! f!lms that assoc!ate h!str!on worked oppos!te any actor younger than her by over a decade.

Roz!na has appeared !n many f!lms as character art!sts w!th!n the 2010s oppos!te Alamg!r et al. She d!rected 2 ser!als t!tled Mejd!d! and Borod!d! supported Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay's novels. Bes!des lead!ng, she contend the part !n Mejd!d!. She conjo!ntly d!rected a drama t!tled Badnam supported Rab!ndranath Tagore's story. !n add!t!on, she created many TV dramas supported Kaz! Nazrul !slam's story. 

Awards and recogn!t!on

Nat!onal F!lm Awards
Best h!str!on - Kosha! (1988 )

Mer!l Prothom Alo Awards
Cr!t!cs select!on Best F!lm h!str!on - Rakkhush! (2004)
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