Abdur Razzak bangladeshi actor

 Abdur Razzak bangladeshi actor

Abdur Razzak bangladeshi actor

Abdur Razzak (born twenty three January 1942) may be a Bangladesh! actor and mov!e maker. he's named as Nayak dom!n!on Razzak, a t!tle g!ven by Ahmed alb!z!a Chowdhury, ed!tor of Ch!tral!. He was g!ven the !ndependence Day Award !n 2015 by the govt. of East Pak!stan.

Early l!fe
Razzak was born !n Naktala, South Calcutta. H!s folks Akbar Hossa!n and N!sarunnesa d!ed at early ages. throughout h!s adolescence, he part!c!pated !n theatre product!ons !n Calcutta. whereas learn!ng at a un!vers!ty !n Calcutta, he created h!s !n!t!al f!lm look !n "Ratan Lal Bangal!". Hop!ng to become a mov!e star, Razzak v!s!ted study f!lm !n F!lmalaya !n Bombay, As!an nat!on !n 1961. arr!v!ng from Bombay, he performed !n 2 mov!es !n Calcutta, "Pankot!lak" and "Sh!lal!p!". However, the H!ndu-Musl!m r!ot that stone-broke go !nto 1964 forced Razzak and h!s fam!ly to m!grate to nat!onal cap!tal.

After m!grat!ng to As!an nat!on, Razzak found the tra!l to h!gh status wasn't stra!ghtforward. !n!t!ally, he acted !n TV plays. He became a favor!te of the v!ewers of Pak!stan! tv, act!ng w!th!n the ser!es Ghoroa.

However, he rema!ned targeted on h!s dream of turn!ng !nto a 'f!lm star'. A p!oneer!ng producer !n East Pak!stan, Abdul Jabbar Khan, helped Razzak to aff!x !qbal F!lms restr!cted. Razzak was the ass!stant to the d!rector Kamal Ahmed w!th!n the p!c Ujala.

Razzak's major breakthrough !n mov!es was h!s performance !n Salahudd!n's Tero Nombor Feku Ostagar Lane. He acted !n alternat!ve mov!es l!ke phys!c!st Akasher N!chey, Maynamat!, Moner Moto Bou, Swaral!p!, Osru D!ye L!kha, J!bon Theke Neya, and Obujh Mon.

Razzak's !n!t!al huge break !n c!nema came together w!th h!s role !n Zah!r Ra!han's Behula (1966).

He has acted !n lead!ng roles w!th several d!st!ngu!shed actors, as well as Anwar Hossa!n, n!ght!ngale Ahmed, Sohel Rana, !l!as Kanchan, Shuchanda, Shabana, Bob!ta, Kabor!, Sujata, Shabnam et al.. He appeared !n a very range of f!lms oppos!te thesp!an Shabana.

He went on to create qu!te three hundred appearances !n Bengal! and Urdu mov!es. He conjo!ntly d!rected around s!xteen mov!es. Razzak may be a UNFPA goodw!ll ambassador. 

Personal l!fe
Razzak !s marr!ed to Rajlokhh!. along they need 3 sons, Bapparaj, Bapp!, and Samrat, and one female offspr!ng, Mo!na.
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