nagarjuna indian best famous action hero acting career

Acting Life:
Nagarjuna began act!ng as a baby creat!ve person w!th!n the 1967 Telugu f!lm Sud!gundalu d!rected by veteran Adurth! Subbarao. !t marked h!s father Akk!nen! Nageswara Rao w!th!n the lead role. Years later he created h!s debut as a lead actor through the 1986 Telugu f!lm V!kram, d!rected by V. Madhusudhana Rao. !t's the remake of the 1983 H!nd! f!lm Hero. The f!lm was successful, g!v!ng Nagarjuna a decent beg!n.

Later, he marked !n f!lms l!ke Majnu, d!rected by Dasar! Narayana Rao, that was well rece!ved and have become no-h!t. Nagarjuna rece!ved pos!t!ve rev!ews for h!s portrayal. He then marked !n Sankeertana, another h!t d!rected by debutant Geetha avatar w!th mus!c by !la!yaraaja. The f!lm was apprec!ated for !ts content and mus!c.

!n 1988, he marked w!th!n the blockbuster Aakhar! Poratam, wr!tten by Yandamur! Veerendranath, and d!rected by K. Raghavendra Rao wherever he was pa!red oppos!te Sr!dev! and Suhas!n!. !n 1988 he marked !n Janak! Ramudu pa!red w!th V!jayashant!. Th!s f!lm, d!rected once more by K. Raghavendra Rao, was add!t!onally a good runner. although h!s act!ng wasn't up to the standards, he was lucky enough to urge a lot of opportun!t!es.

nagarjuna indian best famous action hero acting career 

!n 1989 he marked w!th!n the Man!ratnam-d!rected romant!c drama Geetanjal!. The f!lm went on to w!n the Nat!onal F!lm Award for Best !n style F!lm Prov!d!ng Wholesome recreat!on !n 1990.

!mmed!ately, he saw another success, S!va. Th!s f!lm marked the debut of lead!ng screenland d!rector Ram Gopal Varma. The f!lm rel!es on school pol!t!cs, a brand new genre at that po!nt. !n 1990, he afterwards created h!s screenland debut w!th the H!nd! remake of an equ!valent f!lm t!tled Sh!va. Even the H!nd! vers!on saw a large box-off!ce success. He then marked w!th!n the soc!al drawback f!lm Ja!tra Yatra, that he rece!ved !mportant recept!on. He followed !t up w!th average fare l!ke Prema Yuddham, N!rnayam and !ddharu !ddhare. of these f!lms d!d noth!ng except!onal to Nagarjuna's career as they were solely moderately accla!med and saw solely average success.

He followed !t up w!th box workplace h!ts l!ke K!ller, Net! the Buddha, Cha!tanya, and N!rnayam, operat!ng w!th em!nent adm!n!strators love Faz!l, Prathap Pothen and Pr!yadarshan. Nagarjuna therefore ga!ned the tagl!ne "Cellulo!d Sc!ent!st" for exper!ment!ng w!th completely d!fferent genres. d!fferent f!lms that were d!scharged w!th!n the consequent years embrace Pres!dent mand!oc Pellam, Varasudu, Gharana Bullodu and Allar! Alludu. Among them, Pres!dent mand!oc Pellam, Gharana Bullodu and Allar! Alludu were huge h!ts at the box workplace.

!n 1994 he marked w!th!n the H!nd!-Telugu b!l!ngual Cr!m!nal d!rected by Mahesh Bhatt. w!th!n the same year he ventured !nto comedy for the pr!mary t!me w!th hullo Brother. Th!s was later remade !nto H!nd! as Judwaa and dubbed !nto Tam!l. !n 1996, Nagarjuna marked and made N!nne Pelladata, that was d!rected by avatar Vams!. The p!c won the Nat!onal F!lm Award for Best mov!ng p!cture !n Telugu and F!lmfare Award for Best F!lm - Telugu. ensu!ng year, Nagarjuna acted !n Annamayya, w!th!n wh!ch he p!ctured the role of Annamacharya, a 15th-century Telugu s!nger and author. Th!s won h!m h!s F!lmfare Best Actor Award and h!s !n!t!al Nand! Award for Best Actor. He add!t!onally rece!ved a Nat!onal Award for Spec!al Ment!on for the f!lm Annamayya. H!s consequent releases were Nuvvu Vastavan!, N!nne Prem!stha and Azad.

He marked !n romant!c comed!es love Santosham, Manmadhudu, and Sh!vaman!. He made Satyam !n 2003, that marked h!s k!nsman Sumanth. !n 2004, Nagarjuna had 2 releases, Nenunnanu and Mass. The latter was made by Nagarjuna and d!rected by creator Lawrence Raghavendra. !n 2005, Nagarjuna acted !n and made Super. !n 2006, he marked !n Sr! Ramadasu, h!s per!od of play f!lm supported the 18th-century Telugu mus!c!an of an equ!valent name. Nagarjuna rece!ved the Nand! Award for Best Actor for the f!lm. !n Gregor!an calendar month 2007, he appeared !n Don and a year later, he appeared !n K!ng aboard Tr!sha Kr!shnan and Sr!har!.

!n 2010, he had releases !bclud!ng Ked! and Ragada. Gaganam was d!scharged on eleven Feb 2011. !ts Tam!l vers!on was t!tled Payanam. !n 2011 Nagarjuna s!gned 3 mov!es dur!ng a row: Rajanna, Damarukam and Sh!rd! Sa!. He completed 2 new f!lms, together w!th Greekuveerudu, major Nayanatara oppos!te h!m, that was a mean grosser at the box workplace. H!s next unharness was Bha!, that was a d!saster at the box workplace, and that marked R!cha Gandhopadhyay oppos!te to h!m. !n 2014, Nagarjuna marked w!th!n the blockbuster fam!ly drama, Manam, d!rected by V!kram Kumar. He had a tw!n role !n Soggade Ch!nn! Nayana, and later he compete a soul !n Vamsh! b!l!ngual f!lm Oop!r!, a blockbuster h!t.


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