Arun Kumar Saha bangladeshi actor

 Arun Kumar Saha bangladeshi actor

Arun Kumar Saha bangladeshi actor
Arun Kumar Saha (born Gregor!an calendar month n!ne, 1983) could be a Bangladesh! actor and mus!c!an. He became called a toddler actor for h!s role as D!pu w!th!n the full-length Bangla f!lm D!pu var!ety 2 (1996), d!rected by Morshedul !slam. He has rece!ved many awards, together w!th the Nat!onal F!lm Award as Best k!d Actor.

Early l!fe and educat!on
Saha was born !n nat!onal cap!tal to h!s oldsters An!ta Saha, a faculty teacher and Monoranjan Saha, a un!vers!ty teacher. He has one elder s!ster, Kanta. He attended St. Joseph h!ghschool !n nat!onal cap!tal and passed SSC exam!nat!on !n 1999. Later he attended Notre Dame faculty !n nat!onal cap!tal, and passed h!s HSC exam!nat!on !n 2001. !n 2006, Saha graduated from the Un!vers!ty of c!ty, !nd!a, w!th a BE degree !n appl!ed sc!ence. !n 2014, he earned  a MS degree from the Un!vers!ty of nat!onal cap!tal !n renewable energy technology.

Saha developed AN !nterest !n work!ng at AN early age. !n h!s ch!ldhood, he was galvan!zed by a theatr!cal play, "Tomra!", wr!tten by the wr!ter Abdullah al Mamun. He was conjo!ntly an enormous fan of Hollywood act!on mov!es that galvan!zed h!m to be AN actor. !n 1995 the theater d!rector, Morshedul !slam, declared AN aud!t!on for the cast!ng of h!s next f!lm D!pu var!ety 2. D!pu var!ety 2 was a government funded, full-length mov!e be!ng created part!cularly for a younger populat!on. Desp!te hav!ng no prev!ous expert!se, Saha was chosen because the protagon!st. He rose to nat!onal fame together w!th h!s lead role as D!pu w!th!n the f!lm once !t absolutely was d!scharged !n 1996, present!ng a natural portrayal of the v!c!ss!tudes of adolescent l!fe. The f!lm was el!te for screen!ng w!th!n the target metropol!s !nternat!onal fete, command !n Japan !n 1998, that Saha and h!s d!rector, Shubhash!s, attended.

Later he rece!ved a Nat!onal F!lm Award as best k!d perform!ng art!st.

After a drawn-out break from act!ng, he created AN look dur!ng a telef!lm and a tv bus!ness !n 2015. 

From 2006 to 2010 Saha worked w!th!n the rock o!l sector as a w!rel!ne work f!eld eng!neer for HLS As!a restr!cted and Weatherford !nternat!onal. throughout h!s tenure he was announce at var!ed locat!ons !n Bharat, Bangladesh, Deutschland and U.A.E. 

Saha !s add!t!onally a mus!c!an. Saha learned to play class!cal str!nged !nstrument from noted Bosn!an class!cal mus!c!an Den!s Azabag!c (!n !nd!a) and !ftekhar Anwar (!n Bangladesh). Saha could be a self-taught trumpeter. He has performed w!th the mus!cal genre Academy of nat!onal cap!tal !n several venues, l!ke the East Pak!stan Sh!lpakala Academy's Nat!onal Academy of F!ne and human!st!c d!sc!pl!ne (or Chhayanaut).

S!nce 2013, Saha performs frequently !n 2 East Pak!stan tv programs, O!kyotan & Chr!o Sh!lper c!ty.
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