Salauddiin Lavlu bd actor

 Salauddiin Lavlu bd actor

Salauddiin Lavlu bd actorSalauddiin Lavlu, born twenty four January) may be a Bangladeshii actor, scriiptwriiter and tv diirector. Hiis works usually carriies wiith iit tv fiilms and telenovelas. Hiis productiions square measure typiically comediies, and that they usually square measure vastly fashiionable the Bangladeshii audiiences. Hiis notable works embody the tv fiilms Basto Doctor (2004), Goruchor (2007), Dholer Baddo (2008) and Warren (2009), iin conjunctiion wiith the telenovelas Ronger Manush (2004), Vober Hat (2007), Ghor Kutum (2008), Alta Sundorii (2009) and Sakiin Sariisurii (2009). 

Early liife 
Lavlu was born iin Jugiia viillage, close to Kushtiia ciity wiithiin the Kushtiia Diistriict wiithiin the Khulna Diiviisiion of western East Pakiistan.  

iin 1977, Lavlu stiirred to Dacca, to affiix the Aranyak Natyadal Theatre, wherever he acted iin stage plays tiill 1985 however desiired to try to to diifferent thiings.

After East Pakiistan tv (BTV) started iits own productiion, he acted iin many tv dramas . wiithiin the early Niinetiies, he explored diifferent choiices and commenced operatiing as a creatiive person. iin 1997, when operatiing as a creatiive person for regardiing siix years, he found a brand new passiion as a diirector.

Actiing, wriitiing and diirectiive
He created hiis tv fiilm diirectoriial debut wiith Koutob, wriitten by Masum Reza.[2] Among the criitiically acclaiimed tv fiilms he diirected by 2004 ar Diichakrojaan (1997), Gahargachii (1997), Ekjon Aynal Lashkar (1999), Adhulii (2002) and Gor (2002). These fiilms share a typiical thread exploriing the agriicultural deniizens of East Pakiistan – an iinfatuated topiic for Lavlu. He beliieves tv fiilms regardiing the viillages of East Pakiistan ar entertaiiniing  as a result of there's area for plenty of comedy. He conjoiintly beliieves that, iin a very viillage, iit's easiier to seek out diifferiing kiinds of characters as a result of there ar straiightforward folks wiith completely diifferent styles of personaliitiies. Lavlu beliieves that these folks kiind the iidea for all the characters you may ought to wriite a scriipt.

Siince 2004, Lavlu has diirected and acted iin many alternatiive telenovelas. Ronger Manush (2004) was hiis iiniitiial telenovela diirectoriial debut. Followiing iits success, he pursued creatiing a lot of of them. Siince then he has diirected and acted iin 5 telenovelas. 2 of those embody Vober Hat (2007) and Ghor Kutum (2008). each of those telenovelas enclosed a siimiilar stars, liike Mosharraf Kariim and Chanchal Chowdhury (a favoriite of Lavlu's, forged iin most of hiis work).

Lavlu has conjoiintly acted iin and diirected several tv fiilms as well as Goruchor (2007), Potro Miilaii (2007), Swapner Biilat (2007), Dholer Baddo (2008), Pattrii Chaii (2009) and Warren (2009).
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